From Never Ever to YES: Hannah and Jordan’s Fostering Journey
Hannah and Jordan were never interested in being foster parents. Then their eyes were opened by the Ohio foster care crisis and specifically the need in Cuyahoga County. Their mindset went from “never ever” to “how could we say no?”
Upon being licensed Hannah shared, “We simply just said YES.” They were ready and willing to provide care for any child who needed a safe place.
Hannah and Jordan were about to board a flight when they got the call that a tiny preemie baby just weighing over one pound needed them. He was drug exposed, needed a g-tube, and was still on oxygen.
In under two hours they were at the hospital. Hannah felt a deep calling in her heart that this infant needed her family. Watch HERE as Hannah shares more about her family. (*Please note this was filmed at a sporting clays event.*)
Shortly after welcoming this baby into their home a terrifying medical emergency occurred. Hannah was in tears worrying he may not make it. After being stabilized, Hannah and Jordan committed to fill the gap and advocate for this baby boy.
They learned how to use all the medical equipment to properly care for this little guy, and they never left his side whenever a hospital stay was necessary. Jordan and Hannah would even switch off caring for their own children and staying at the hospital.
Baby boy was on track to go back to his biological mother. Then, a fatal car accident changed everything…
He has no other blood relatives. It’s undeniable that Hannah’s connection to the initial call was meant to be. Jordan and Hannah welcomed this little guy with open arms and provide the comfort, stability, and nurturing guidance a family provides- feelings all foster children long for. He has ended up with exactly the right family and after a long two years, Jordan and Hannah are on track to welcome him as a permanent member of their family.
Are YOU ready to say YES? Make a difference in our communities. Be a Pathway Foster Parent Today!
Fill out the inquiry form on this link to learn more and find out how you can help children in our community today! https://www.pathwaycfc.org/foster-care/